About company
Russian Crab Company Group is the large crab harvesting company in the Far East and one of the leading in Russia. The company owns the rights to catch around 22,000 tons of valuable aquatic biological resources per year. Since 2025, the company’s quota package also includes whelk.
Package of quotas belongs to Russian Crab based on the results of auctions.
Our vessels extract Red King Crab, Blue King Crab, Brown King Crab, Opilio Snow Crab and Horsehair Crab in Okhotsk Sea, Bering Sea and the Sea of Japan.
About us
Our professional team consists of high-qualified employees with experience in fishing industry, shipbuilding, food production and other key sectors of the economy. Combination of competencies and diversified expertise combine many years of experience in crab fishing and the energy of new business technologies.
We focus on reaching the leading position within crab industry by maximizing the efficient use of quotas and ensuring the best product quality.Sergey Goryachev CEO
This goal requires constant improvement. We construct new modern fleet and implement new production management tools that expands the horizons of our professional knowledge.
Today our company employs almost 2000 people. The majority of them are seafarers — people with an amazing combination of personal and professional qualities. Brave souls, strong personality, people with unique knowledge of the sea and crabs.
Careful attitude to aquatic biological resources is our value. Only sustainable and responsible fishery can preserve the variety of marine species and ensure the future of the entire crab industry.Yulia Yurova Deputy CEO